Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Posted by Unknown On 02.11

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
First, I would like to say thanks to all of you who have given me time and occasion to stand up here. Here, I will present the problem about alcohol. I believe that alcohol is not allowed to consume by everyone. Why I say that? I have three reason for that.
First, alcohol able to turn off the social functions of human moral ethics.
It is not strange in our society, especially the teenagers, consume alcohol are common, both to enhance the impression of cool and look like a macho. Though alcohol is not cool, because the effects of drunk / trance, hallucinations and an inability to control themselves show that we are weak, cowardly and childish.
And if we know the dangers of alcohol, as to which other chemical substances, alcohol has a deadly destructive capability against the organs of the human body, even more broadly able to turn off the social functions of human moral ethics. Beside that, the people in drunk condition can disturb the people around him.
The second, alcohol is danger to our healthy body.
Alcohol is a substance diversion mood. These substances, is a depressant that reduces the activity of the brain and nervous system. Alcoholic beverages contains ethanol and has a color and taste different, depending on the materials used in its manufacture. Alcohol is presented in many variations including beer, wine, brandy, wine, whiskey, and others.
In research conducted by Dr. Barbara Flannery from RTI International, found that the brains of women alcoholics lot of damage, especially on cognitive neurological function. But that does not mean alcoholic men free from problems.
in addition, some effects and alcohol effects on human health are:
- Annoying liver function, which can cause hepatitis.
- Causes damage to the hull
- Causes damage to body tissues
- Lead to increased risk of breast cancer
- Annoying brain function, heart, and kidneys.
- Lead to Stroke, nerve paralysis, organ malfunction.
- Causes for disability and impaired fetal growth
The last, alcohol is one of one of the leading causes of death in the world.
            Lives have been lost because of alcohol has often we read in the media. most victims lost because consumption alcohol are those of younger ages. According to the World Health Organization WHO (2010), described the death because of alcohol in the world much more than from HIV / AIDS. Almost every day there are dead after drinking alcohol. While in 2011, the WHO noted that 2.5 million people worldwide die from alcohol and about 9 percent of the deaths occur in young people aged 15-29 years old.
            From the explanation, we know many dangers of alcohol. Better, it realize us to not consume the alcohol. Because alcohol is a poison. Poison to our health, poison to our soul, poison to our safety. And now, we have to say “no” to the alcohol.
            Well, I think only that. Thank you for the attention and wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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